2019 Back to Original
Combine the particularity of affective technology with cultural technology, which shows the superiority to make design sustainable. 
以文化科技型態連結情感工藝特質展現優勢 使設計永續

SRDC  /  Taiwan  /  2019
Hualien International Stone Workshop  研石造物

Stone is a strong yet gentle presence in and of itself and embodies boundless possibilities. By discovering and linking the emotional elements of materials and crafts, designers are able to bring out multiple sides of products that display the true nature of stones and bring characters that make designs last through time. Before the program was launched, Vii visited the magnificent natural environments of Hualien and the local stone industry, getting up close with this seemingly powerful and cold material that can be molded into anything. With the experiences, “Back to Original” has been set as the start and end vision of the 2019 Hualien International Stone Workshop, discovering more diverse sides of stone materials by bringing emotions and warmth to crafts and designs.
The entire program put cultural and technological strengths together and brings focuses back to the original values of the raw materials. Designers with experiences in mass production join forces with and further compound stone manufacturers, utilizing the idea of “Micro Production” between customization and mass production and therefore taking Taiwan into a new “stone age”. “Micro Production” plays a lead role in the 2019 Hualien International Stone Workshop to prepare the stone industry and designers for large number of international orders, and promote them to collaborate with diverse global industries, such as architecture, interior design, and even galleries. Taiwan’s stone brands will be able to exhibit the width and depth of their energies, extend their design capacities, and in term form a positive cycle for the industry chain.
石材以自有型態呈現,強大內蘊溫和,透過思考與聯結材料和情感工藝的特質,展現產品的多層面,回歸石材特性,為物件帶來個性與特質,使設計永續。 計畫啟動前,Vii在花蓮渾然天成的自然生態環繞下,走訪多家在地石材產業,體感這看似強大且堅冷的原材,擁有著無限的可塑性,2019的研石造物,Vii將Back to Original定調為今年的起點與成果,朝以透過工藝、設計將情感溫度串連,讓石材呈現更多元的可能性。
整體計畫融合文化科技的優勢,回歸到石材的原價值,將石材製造透過有量產經驗的設計師聯乘能量,在客製與量產中放入微量產的引點,進入臺灣『石材品牌』新世代。微量產 在2019研石造物作為石材業者與設計師迎接國際大量訂單的領頭,順以推至國際並與多元產業合作,例如建築業、室內設計師,甚至在藝廊,展現出臺灣石材品牌能量的深與廣,讓設計力延續,使產業鍊需求循環。